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Fri 21st – Milford Probus Club, Godalming Masonic Hall, GU7 1RQ, from 12 noon.

After a friendly lunch, on Friday 21 February members of Milford Probus and visitors (always welcome) will have a talk by Kevin Foo, who has worked in mining as scientist, miner, mill operator, manager and director. This includes the process development of gold, tin and base metal refractory ores, a 10-year diversion into the oil and gas industry, and 30 years as an entrepreneur in these fields. In addition to its local impact, mining has a clear connection with climate change which will be explored. Milford Probus is a club for retired and semi-retired business and professional men and women who enjoy comradeship, informative talks and wider activities. Lunch is at 12.30pm (pre-lunch drinks from 12pm), Godalming Masonic Hall, GU7 1RQ. If interested, visit, or book a lunch with Jon Warnke ( 602699).