On Friday 21 March Milford Probus members and their guests (always welcome and the numbers are rising) will be treated to a talk by Andrzej Potocki, who for 20 years in the 1960s and ‘70s lived near Roald Dahl in the same village. His first ever job, at the age of 12, was collecting apples in Dahl's orchard. Over the years, he got to know Roald Dahl and his family well and many of the people and places that Dahl wrote about. This is an informed view from personal experience. The talk also includes other aspects of Dahl’s amazing life beyond his hugely successful children’s books, including as an ace fighter pilot, a spy and inventor of medical equipment. Questions are welcomed. Milford Probus is a club for retired and semi-retired business and professional men and women who enjoy comradeship, informative talks and wider activities. Lunch is at 12.30pm (pre-lunch drinks from 12pm), Godalming Masonic Hall, GU7 1RQ. If interested, visit www.milfordprobus.com, or book a lunch with Jon Warnke (jgwarnke@btinternet.com/07818 602699).
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Earlier Event: March 20
Thurs 20th – Les Amitiés Françaises’ talk, Wilfrid Noyce Community Centre, GU7 1DY, 7.30pm.
Later Event: March 21
Fri 21st – Conservatoire Concerts, Godalming Baptist Church, GU7 1BA, 7pm.