Compton Village Association
The Village Association is a non-profit organisation and is responsible for many village publications, services and events:
• Village Website
• Village Projects in conjunction with the Parish Council.
• Village Fete. Chairman of the Fete Committee, can be contacted on
• Managing the Minibus, Compo, in accordance with the joint venture agreement with the Watts Gallery.
• Welcome Pack for newcomers to the village. This has recently been distributed to a large number of households and some are still outstanding. If you have
moved into the village within the last 2-3 years and haven’t received a copy, please contact the Editor (details above).
• Guide to Local Services and Organisations. This will be updated and distributed next month but it is always available electronically. Contact the Editor if you
would like one.
• Compton NEWS. The NEWS (affectionately known as the Yellow Peril) was produced throughout lockdown but distributed by email only, while the
distributors were confined to their homes. It is now back on track and dropping through your letterboxes, while several hundred go out by email to those
who have opted for that or who live far away (New Zealand and Portugal, to name just two!). If you receive a hard copy but would be happy to get it by email,
please let the Editor know. It will always be printed as many of you prefer to have it in your hands. Whether you receive the NEWS through your door, in the
post or by email, your contribution is truly valued and very welcome
The Compton Village Association (the CVA) has been in existence for over 35 years. The objectives included in its Constitution are to promote and encourage social functions for the benefit of residents living in Compton and to organise fundraising events to assist in the provision and continuance of local amenities.
The CVA is without political or religious affiliations.
The Association recently allocates money towards village projects. If you have any ideas for projects that would benefit the village, please contact Ken Miller to ensure your ideas are added to the agenda for discussion at the next CVA meeting.
To see the full set of accounts to 31st Dec 2023 please click here
The CVA is very active and it is involved in the following activities:
CVA runs the annual Village Fete which is held each year in May. This is the biggest fund-raising event of the year in Compton and the net proceeds of the Fete are allocated to local causes. The Fete is supporting the local allotments, the Compton NEWS, the local minibus (Compo), the Village Hall and the traffic safety programme.
CVA produces a Welcome Pack for newcomers to the village.
CVA publishes a monthly newsletter, the Compton NEWS and this is hand delivered, free to every property in Compton and Littleton.
David Hunt | Chairman/Treasurer | Tel: 01483 414912 |
Jane Turner | Secretary | Tel: 01483 810789 |
Miranda Wells | Member | |
Catherine Masterman | Member | |
Liv Timberlake | Member | |
Sara Verbruggen | Member |