Yoga Flow, Wednesdays, 11.15am to 12.15pm (term-time).
Yoga Flow, Wednesdays, 11.15am to 12.15pm (term-time). Compton Village Hall
Yoga Flow, Wednesdays, 11.15am to 12.15pm (term-time). Compton Village Hall
Mon 12th – Fledglings starts. Puck’s Oak Barn, 9.30am-11am
Fledglings, a stay-and-play group for toddlers, with a Forest School for over-2s, on Mondays
in Puck’s Oak Barn from 9.00am to 11am. Refreshments will be provided for mums and
dads but please bring appropriate drinks and nibbles for the children. The cost is £5 per family,
regardless of the number of children! It would be helpful to know in advance if you can attend so please
email fledglingscompton@gmail.com or phone Catherine Masterman on 07779 022419.
Sandra’s Yoga, Compton Village Hall, Thursdays & Fridays, 10.30am‑12 noon.
To book contact Sandra Billinge on Sandra Billinge at willpower24@talktalk.net
The Committee is working on events for 2025, which will be communicated soon. The club is open every Thursday and Friday evening and some Saturdays. Weekly opening times are shared on WhatsApp. Find out more about the Club, its events and how to join the WhatsApp group by visiting www.comptonclub.co.uk.
On Saturday 15 March at 7pm the Surrey Police Band Concert, in aid of Phylis Tuckwell hospice charity, will be held at Emmanuel Church, Stoughton, Guildford, GU2 9LS. Adults £10. Children (aged 5-16) £5. Book at www.ticketsource.co.uk/surreypoliceband or call 0333 666 3366.
On Thursday 20 March, from 7.30pm until 9pm Les Amitiés Françaises’ guest speaker, Vincent Raymond-Barker, will explain (in French) how the Parisian railway stations have been portrayed in history, art, songs and cinema. Les Amitiés Françaises is part of a thriving French circle and always welcomes new members and visitors. To find out more, visit www.amitiesfrancaisesgodalming.com. Talks take place at Wilfrid Noyce Community Centre, Oglethorpe Hall, Crown Court Car Park, Godalming, GU7 1DY.
On Friday 21 March Milford Probus members and their guests (always welcome and the numbers are rising) will be treated to a talk by Andrzej Potocki, who for 20 years in the 1960s and ‘70s lived near Roald Dahl in the same village. His first ever job, at the age of 12, was collecting apples in Dahl's orchard. Over the years, he got to know Roald Dahl and his family well and many of the people and places that Dahl wrote about. This is an informed view from personal experience. The talk also includes other aspects of Dahl’s amazing life beyond his hugely successful children’s books, including as an ace fighter pilot, a spy and inventor of medical equipment. Questions are welcomed. Milford Probus is a club for retired and semi-retired business and professional men and women who enjoy comradeship, informative talks and wider activities. Lunch is at 12.30pm (pre-lunch drinks from 12pm), Godalming Masonic Hall, GU7 1RQ. If interested, visit www.milfordprobus.com, or book a lunch with Jon Warnke (jgwarnke@btinternet.com/07818 602699).
Conservatoire Concerts will be holding two special concerts this month. The first, on Saturday 8 March will feature the acclaimed and upcoming popular Wales Guitar Duo who are quickly building a name for themselves with their versatile performance and enjoyable duo playing. On Friday 21 March, Conservatoire Concerts will be holding a special evening with South African pianist Nina Schumann who will be talking briefly about her conditions of Focal Dystonia and Parkinson’s. Nina will also be performing a programme of works by Bach, Rachmaninoff and more. Both events will commence at 7pm and take place at Godalming Baptist Church,GU7 1BA.
To book, visit https//conservatoireconcerts.org.uk. Admission is FREE with a retiring collection towards musicians’ fees and expenses
Compton Parish Council is organising the annual litter pick on Saturday 22 March. It starts at 10.30am, at the Compton Club, and volunteers can return there for hot soup and rolls at midday. Many hands make light work of clearing all the rubbish discarded around Compton over the past year so please join. It is a social occasion and helps to make the village look spring-ready. Litter pickers, high-viz jackets and bin bags are provided, but please bring your own gloves. -The next PC meeting is on 19 March, 7pm, Pucks Oak Barn. -The Annual Parish Meeting is on Wednesday 7 May at 7pm, Compton Club. This is an opportunity to find out Compton PC’s plans for the coming year, whilst enjoying a drink and a light supper. For more information, visit www.comptonparishcouncil.co.uk.
Huw Warren: “Choro, Choro, Choro” Thursday 27 March Celebrating Choro, the vibrant beating heart of Brazilian music, “Choro, Choro, Choro” explores music from the 1880s to the present day by composers such as Ernesto Nazareth, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Pixinguinha, and modern masters such as Guinga and Hermeto Pascoal. Huw Warren has created several projects around the music of Brazil, including collaborations with Jovino Santos Neto, a critically acclaimed recording of Hermeto's music in 2009 and a trio record for CAM Jazz ‘Everything in Between’ in 2019. . 8pm Performing Arts Studio (PATS), University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH.
All tickets and further information available from www.guildfordjazz.org.uk
Friday 28th March, Compton Club’s Pre-Fete Family fun day 5pm.
CLT QUIZ NIGHT 2025. Jo Ayshford and Rhona Wilkie will be holding a Quiz Night at Compton Village
Hall on Friday 28 March to raise funds for Compton Little Theatre. Tickets are £12 each, which includes
supper. There will be a pay bar. Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Teams are a maximum of six. Email
rhonawilkie@hotmail.co.uk to enter a team, book tickets and provide any dietary requirements. Jo and Rhona hope to see you soon for another fun and highly competitive night.
Godalming Choral Society, under talented conductor George de Voil, is performing Mendelssohn’s choral masterpiece Elijah with professional orchestra and soloists in the beautiful Memorial Chapel at Charterhouse School on Sunday 30 March 2025. Elijah was one of Mendelssohn’s last compositions, but still full of youthful vigour and music, magnificently dramatising the life of the prophet. He died the following year, aged only 38. First performed in 1846 and well-loved in its time, its popularity declined in the last century as it was thought over dramatic. Recently revived, the piece is again regarded as a success. Mendelssohn’s most monumental oratorio brings the bible story to life with operatic gusto. Come and be swept away. For further information and tickets, visit godalmingchoral.org.uk.
Godalming Choral Society, under conductor George de Voil, is performing Mendelssohn’s choral masterpiece Elijah with professional orchestra and soloists in the beautiful Memorial Chapel at Charterhouse School on Sunday 30 March 2025. Mendelssohn’s most monumental oratorio brings the bible story to life with operatic gusto. Come and be swept away. For further information and tickets, visit www.godalmingchoral.org.uk.
Compton Village Fete 2025 will be held on Saturday 17 May, 12pm to 4.30pm. Come along and enjoy a fantastic afternoon of traditional Fete fun for all ages. Facebook users can find the latest fete news at www.facebook.com/ComptonVillageFete. Proceeds will be shared between various village causes, including the Allotments, Compton Club, Compton Little Theatre, Compton NEWS, St Nicholas Church, Compton Village Hall, plus Village projects and a chosen charity, which will soon be announced. The Compton Fete Committee is ALWAYS seeking volunteers. Please email elenidhafcoleman@gmail.com. Save the date for the Compton Village pre-Fete Family Fun Day, on Friday 28 March, Compton Club from 5pm. The fun includes creative fun for the children and will also be a drop-off point for any donations for the Fete stalls. Thinking of volunteering? Come along and meet the team on the afternoon.
On Tuesday 11 March, ARTS SOCIETY WOKING’s talk is A Personal Heaven. The Paintings of Stanley Spencer. One of the most original British artists of his generation, Spencer’s art was dominated by his personal life and his profound religious faith. Cookham, his birthplace, was for Spencer an earthly paradise whose people and surroundings possessed a mystical quality. This was the setting for many of his great religious works and he spoke of “the rich religious significance of the place I live in”. Despite the failure of his two marriages, Spencer continued to believe in the power of love and some of his most important works were inspired by his feelings for the two women whom he married. The paintings inspired by his military service in World War I, concentrating on hope and redemption rather than on suffering, reveal a similar basic optimism. This lecture will examine the eccentric and visionary world of one of the most creative and imaginative British painters of the 20th century. The talk will be given by Val Woodgate, who is a lecturer and guide at Tate Britain and Tate Modern, for the Art Fund, and other organisations. Talks start at 10.30am but doors open 9.45am for tea and coffee. The venue is Normandy Village Hall, GU3 2DT. Members may bring a visitor, who may want to make a donation to the Society of £6. Visit www.wokingdfas.org.uk/talks-arts-society-woking-2024.htm.
Compton Club’s upcoming Band Night has been moved to Saturday 3 May, to make way for a Pool Tournament that will be held on Saturday 8 March, starting at 7pm. There will be cash prizes for the winner. Details on how to sign up will be shared via Compton Club’s WhatsApp group soon. The Club is open every Thursday and Friday evening from 7pm during March. Find out more about the Club, its events and how to join the WhatsApp group by visiting www.comptonclub.co.uk.
Conservatoire Concerts will be holding two special concerts this month. The first, on Saturday 8 March will feature the acclaimed and upcoming popular Wales Guitar Duo who are quickly building a name for themselves with their versatile performance and enjoyable duo playing. On Friday 21 March, Conservatoire Concerts will be holding a special evening with South African pianist Nina Schumann who will be talking briefly about her conditions of Focal Dystonia and Parkinson’s. Nina will also be performing a programme of works by Bach, Rachmaninoff and more. Both events will commence at 7pm and take place at Godalming Baptist Church,GU7 1BA. . To book, visit https//conservatoireconcerts.org.uk. Admission is FREE with a retiring collection towards musicians’ fees and expenses., visit https//conservatoireconcerts.org.uk.
Hexagonal: The Music of Bheki Mseleku and McCoy Tyner Thursday 6 March This sextet, with African and Jazz influences, was formed in late 2016, to perform the music of two titans of jazz - American McCoy Tyner and South African jazz pianist and saxophonist Bheki Mseleku. The band came from the experience of working and touring with both Bheki and McCoy, which brings authenticity to the group’s music. 7.15pm Guildford Pavilion, Woodbridge Road, Guildford, GU1 4RP.
All tickets and further information available from www.guildfordjazz.org.uk
Join St Nicholas’ monthly service of Choral Evensong on Sunday 2 March at 6pm. Music this month includes preces and responses:
Psalm 99 – Smith
Nunc dimittis - Stanford in Bb
Ave verum corpus – Mozart
We're keen to welcome new singers to help the Church sustain this local musical tradition. Email Organist and Choirmaster Richard Dacey for more information: stnicholascompton.organist@gmail.com.
On Thursday 27 February, from 7.30pm until 9pm Les Amitiés Françaises is hosting a lecture in French. Germaine Jones will talk about the origins of the most well-known French symbols and emblems. To find out more, visit www.amitiesfrancaisesgodalming.com. Talks take place at the Wilfrid Noyce Community Centre, Oglethorpe Hall, Crown Court Car Park, Godalming, GU7 1DY. To find out more, visit www.amitiesfrancaisesgodalming.com.
Godalming-based LynchPin Theatre will be celebrating its 25th birthday by reviving its very first play, Emily Dickinson & I — the journey of a portrayal. The play charts an actor’s journey into the heart and soul of America’s foremost female poet, Emily Dickinson. Actor Edie Campbell leads the audience through her 14-year journey of writing, researching, performing… and putting on Emily Dickinson’s dress. The result is an intricately woven dual biography of poet and actor, as Campbell makes sense of her own experiences through Dickinson’s poems and letters. Devised by Edie Campbell and Jack Lynch, Emily Dickinson & I premiered at The Mill Studio, Guildford, in December 1999 before a hugely successful run at the Edinburgh Festival and tours, launching LynchPin on its theatrical journey. The play returns to The Mill Studio, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, GU1 3UX, on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 December. For tickets phone 01483 440 000 or visit www.yvonne-arnaud.co.uk/whats-on.
Redtenbacher’s Funkestra — Brothers in Funk Friday 15 November Stefan Redtenbacher's Funkestra continues the successful BEAT series with an exciting mix of fresh, high energy jazz funk, inspired by the legendary Funk Brothers, Average White Band and Brecker Brothers. “A pure slice of unalloyed, joyful Funk.” – Steve Rubie. From 7pm. The Boileroom, Stoke Fields, Guildford, GU1 4LS.
All tickets and further information available from www.guildfordjazz.org.uk
SoulTime! Wednesday 6 November SoulTime! Is an exciting jazz quartet co-led by pianist Leon Greening and trumpeter Steve Fishwick. SoulTime! pays homage to Bobby Timmons whose compositions, such as ‘This Here’, ‘Dat Dere’, and ‘Moanin’, were pivotal for groups like Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers and The Cannonball Adderley Quintet. From 7.15pm. Guildford Pavilion Woodbridge Road, GU1 4RP.
All tickets and further information available from www.guildfordjazz.org.uk
Sustainable Fashion is a fashion show and exhibition with a difference. Taking place on Wednesday 30 October, 5-6pm in Compton Village Hall, this event will feature a unique collection of upcycled, sustainable and repurposed fashion pieces handmade by an Upper Sixth student at Godalming College. The aim of the event is to demonstrate upcycling and to raise awareness of how “slow fashion” and sustainability are better for the environment. FREE entry. For more information email offshoredesigns@yahoo.com.
Places are still available for a Fundraising Quiz at 7pm on Saturday 9 November in the Village Hall, organised by Compton Quiz Masters Jo Ayshford and Rhona Wilkie. Jo’s granddaughter, 14-year old Millie Ayshford, has been given an opportunity to travel to Eswatini, Africa, next year to help at a neighbourhood care point, which provides access to food and early education for children. To undertake this opportunity, Millie will need to pay all her travel and accommodation costs. The quiz will help raise funds for Millie’s trip — a truly worthwhile cause. The price is £12 per ticket, including supper and a pay bar. Teams are a maximum of six people. Email rhonawilkie@hotmail.co.uk to enter a team and provide any dietary requirements.
Playpark refurbishments on Spiceall are complete. There is now a zip wire, a multiplay unit, for young children, and an accessible ‘rock and bowl’. There will be an official opening of the playpark on Thursday 3 October at 5.30pm, which will be attended by the Mayor of Guildford, Councillor Sallie Barker. Refreshments, including “bubbly”, will be provided by Nick and Charlotte Wyschna (of Guildford Fringe and The Fallen Angel bar).
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on
Tuesday 8 October at 7pm, in Pucks Oak Barn.
Simcock & Rebello Thursday 26 September One of the headline events and a rare coup for the Festival. the pairing of the gifted jazz pianists Jason Rebello and Gwilym Simcock will be performing together on two Steinway concert grand pianos. Both are stupendous improvisers who blend jazz and classical influences to mesmerising effect. Dovetailing beautifully creative originals, zestful standards and mercurial improvisations, this is a set from two of the most inventive pianists in jazz. From 8pm at the University of Surrey.
All tickets and further information available from www.guildfordjazz.org.uk
CLT is hosting a summer BBQ on Sunday 21 July, 1-5pm, at the 2nd Guildford Scouts Hut, Stoughton Road, Guildford, GU1 1LQ . Please bring your own meat or veggie food options, drinks, chairs/rugs, family and friends. More info will be emailed nearer the date so sign up to our mailing list by emailing committee@comptonlittletheatre.org.uk. We hope to see you there.
Compton Village Association’s Annual General Meeting is on Thursday 6 June at 7pm in the Compton Club. Everyone is invited to attend to hear about the Association’s activities for the last year and plans for future events and projects. The Committee will stand down at the meeting and a new Committee will be elected. If anyone would like to join the Committee, please let the Secretary Jane Turner know at janewturner@mac.com. It is important for the Association to hear your views so please make an effort to come to the AGM, which should last about an hour and the Club’s bar will be open.