Puck’s Oak Barn

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⸙ ⸙ Wild About Compton ⸙ ⸙

Phil Gorton is the recipient of a Lifetime Membership Award from Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT). It is an acknowledgement of the years of quiet dedication he’s poured into the site at Pucks Oak Barn in his role as a Volunteer Warden. Clare O’Reilly, who is the Conservation Manager for Central Surrey for SWT and manages Pucks Oak, along with the other McAlmont Reserves in the area, made the nomination. Congratulations to Phil, who does so much for the village, including laying hedges, helping in the churchyard, bell ringing, house histories, in addition to his work at Pucks Oak. Clare is also keen to talk more about the Reserves in the area and the work of her team. She hopes to inspire and encourage people to join SWT’s volunteer sessions. Further details about these events will be published in the coming months.

Hire of Pucks Oak Barn

Pucks Oak Barn lies in the centre of the village of Compton, three miles south west of Guildford in an Area of Great Landscape Value and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Pucks Oak Barn lies adjacent to a traditional orchard that has been restored thanks to the hard work and commitment of the McAlmont Trust volunteers.

The orchard continues to be managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust as a traditional orchard with a strong emphasis on nature conservation and wildlife, so the site is a tranquil and beautiful place to visit.  

Pathways are cut regularly through the orchard to allow public access and the grounds are permanently open to members of the public.

Puck’s Oak Barn - Fledglings

A new stay-and-play group for toddlers, with a Forest School for over-2s, starts on Monday 12th September in Puck’s Oak Barn from 9.30am to 11am. Refreshments will be provided for mums and dads but please bring appropriate drinks and nibbles for the children. The cost is £5 per family, regardless of the number of children! It would be helpful to know in advance if you can attend so please
email fledglingscompton@gmail.com or phone Catherine Masterman on 07779 022419.


Pucks Oak Barn is available for hire for celebrations, events or meetings. The Barn has a kitchen and toilet facilities and there is parking available that can accommodate up to 10 cars.

If you would like any further information or are interested in hiring this venue, please contact Surrey Wildlife Trust on (01483) 795440. Rates are £60 for a 4-hour hire, and £30 for Compton residents - must be registered in the Parish. Inclusive of VAT.

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